Hygene. . But soon it will be heart failer, The 2000+ Generation is the "I" generation. Their spoiled, "I"pod named their company after this generation.
Heart disease can be genetically transfered from generation to generation, which means that certain individuals are more susceptible to heart attacks than other people - a term called genetic predisposition.
can not be passed from generation to generation
The cast of Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke - 2008 includes: Bernice King as Herself - Spokesperson
Yes, birds can have heart problems.
Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in heart problems.
Apparently to some scientists that bacon could stop you from preventing a heart attack.
a hole in a heart
Acne problems, fat, heart problems, blood clots, and heart attacks Acne problems, fat, heart problems, blood clots, and heart attacks
With an open heart.
A hedgehog's heart rate can approach 300 beats per minute.thanks A hedgehog's heart rate can approach 300 beats per minute.thanks
Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease Naturally - 2009 TV was released on: USA: 4 December 2009 (TV premiere)