Your heart keeps your blood "flowing"
The muscle in your arm contracts. The muscle on the other side of your arm, opposite from the side that you are flexing, stretches.
It exersizes the hear muscle and gets the blood flowing this strengthens the lung capacity.
There is 2 main cardiac muscles. The heart, which pumps blood; and all the arteries in your body, which are actually a muscle because they squeeze in sync with your heart rate to keep your blood flowing
Yes the muscle layer in an artery adjusts the amount of blood received to organs
Your blood sugar drops dramatically and you can and will get hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
the arterial oxygen difference is
Smooth muscle is involuntary. That means it works automatically and you have no direct control over it. Smooth muscle is found in the digestive system and helps push food through the stomach and intestines. It is also found in the blood veins and keeps blood flowing back toward the heart.
Your heartbeat is made by the sounds of your valves opening and closing. The valves are to keep your blood from flowing backwards.
You'll die. Your heart is a muscle, which means you won't get any blood and oxygen flowing through your body.
You have head aches, cramps, vomiting, have a stomach ache, feel the blood flowing,