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Q: What do you think about teenagers today?
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Why don't teenagers today take college seriously?

i think they are not focus enough

How did technology change teenagers?

You know, a lot of teenagers are addicted to texting. They think that was cool. So I think texting changed teenagers.

Why do some people think teenagers make the best parents?

Well, teenagers with kids think so. And uh, that's about it.

What drugs are in common among teenagers today?

marijuana,exstacy,and cocaine are the most common used drug by teenagers

Is it more likely for employers to not employ teenagers beacsue they think that teenagers are irresponisible?

actually speaking from a teenagers point yes I think that employers are very on the edge about employing teenagers because we are most likely to make mistakes but we are full of surprises and if we are getting paid we will do the work especially if we are passionate for the job

What major social problems face American teenagers today?

American's face many of social issues with today's teenagers. The main things that America faces are social violence and cultures.

Why do teenagers think they are cool?

Because they want to be.

Why do teenagers have curfew hours?

Because people think just cuz the world today sucks we're gonna be like ohhhh lets cause some trouble! that's why.

What kind of music do teenagers in Afghanistan listen to today?

the good stuff.

What is menstruation for teenagers of today?

12 years old or 13 years !

Can teenagers become alcoholics in today's world?

no! they just drink for fun

Are teenagers given enough guidance?

I am a social worker and think that some teenagers are not given enough guidance and that teenagers are not to blame for there actions as they do not have enough guidance. Teenagers these days do not have enough restrictions or boundaries to tell them the when they should stop doing what they are doing. I also think that if teenagers were given the right amount of guidance teenagers would not be easy targets for the media and would be achieving more.