A euphoric sense washes over you and all anxiety goes away. You feel content.
''what do you feel when you have high cholesterol?''
No, antibiotics do not have psychoactive effects that can make you feel high.
''what do you feel when you have high cholesterol?''
you feel hot. you feel hot.
It makes him feel high.
Usually a person with high blood pressure feel no symptoms. Very dangerous condition.
then ur drunk.
it really depends on what you're high on. if you are tlking about pot than the answer is you feel like your dreaming but your awake and you just feel fuzzy and happy and dont care about anything
can you get high on soboxine? how long do you have to be off obiate's or soboxin to feel a high?
It feels fantastico
people get high because if they are under alot of stress they dont wanna feel it and if you wanna go to sleep or feel good you get high but dont do it too much