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you tell him "why do little things mess up our friendship just be clear don't lie i want our friendship to last forever" in other words tell him or her that you know that their lying and if they don't stop and start becoming a loyal friend then you and his or her friendship will be over because the most horrible friends are he ones that lie!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

they are not your friend anymore freinds don't lie to you

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βˆ™ 13y ago

confront her.

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Q: What do you do when your friend is lying to you?
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explain yourself

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If the friend is saying mean things or lying about you, talk to the friend in person, tell him or her how hurtful this gossip is to you and ask the friend to stop.

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the're lying.

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tell your friend to stop lying in a nice way. if she doesnt I would break him the news and tell him not to tell your fri end it was you

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will make your friend display it to you if he wasnt lying.

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confront him and ask why has he been lying and being dishonest and then realize is that how a friend should treat you

Should you lie to a friend to protect their feelings?

Absolutely not. If your friend came to you and asked you that question, answer honestly. You could lose that friend for lying to her.