I have a younger brother... Try these things and see if they help.
If those don't work, sorry I don't know.
我恨你, 哥哥. -> I hate you,(older brother) 我恨你, 第第. -> I hate you,(younger brother)
No, Poseidon did not hate Hera, they were sister and brother.
a hamster i hate my brother but love my hammy
Just love your brother. If your brother will talk to you rudely so you will have to talk with him politely.
i hate my brother.
or its cleverer to just ignore him
No because its your brother and you should love him rather than hate him.
i hate my moms boy friend my brother, my other brother, even my puppy don't like my moms boyfriend, so kids do hate their moms boy friend
Yes if he do something to annoy the older brother and it depend if the older brother hate the younger brother but if not then the answer is no. and i think i answered your question?.
The purpose of the two-minute's hate is for people to express their hate for certain things, or more accurately, "Big Brother's" hate for certain things.
Sorry i hate ansering quetoins
I think it's when you hate your brother for trying to strangle you (no joke) but you would still die for him. :-D