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just ask him the questions and then he will start asking you questions trust me that's what i had to do and im engaged to the guy

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Q: What do you do when the quy you like tells you he really wants to get to know you before you rush into a relationship but doesn't ask any questions?
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Check you previous questions that is the same as this there were a few answers posted for you!

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u can really time love like that usually if you're a christian its after a year but if it just legally then it could be anytime. If you love them then time doesnt matter

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Ask him does he really want to stay in relationship with you cause you feel he doesnt pay you no mind? It could mean he doesnt really care about you should move on never waste your time trying to hold on to something that would never be.

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just ask him straight up before he gets in a relationship

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I think that it is ok for a 14 and 17 year old to date as long as they are sexually active with each other. I believe that age doesnt really matter unless they are doing thing they shouldn't be doing before marriage.

Should a girl marry her boyfriend if he doesn't respect her mother?

should you marry himRespect only applies to the people in the relationship. if you really love each other then there will be time to work on the respecting part. if you are going to get married because you love each other than yes. but if you arent going to because he doesnt respect your mom then you may have just lost the love of your life AnswerYou should want to get to the bottom of the issue before marrying him. He should have respect for your mother and if he doesnt, then where does that leave the respect for you.What is the problem? Why is he judging your mother? Is he intimidated by your relationship with her. Does he have mother issues on his side? All of these and many other questions should be answered. I wouldn't want to start a relationship with someone that cant or wont try to get along with anyone in my family. Now if your mother is rude to him, then I would say he's not a doormat but if not and he doesnt have a valid reason for the disrespect, then I would postpone the wedding for a while....

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you neer know if the relationship is going to last so you really can't consider anything.