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Q: What do you do when some one is being mean to you?
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What do you do if someone is being mean to do?

some one is being mean to you do something back like be mean to them or stop them and it depends on is it a bully your brother or sister

What do you do if someone is being mean to you?

some one is being mean to you do something back like be mean to them or stop them and it depends on is it a bully your brother or sister

What do people do if there friend is not there friend?

If there is some one that was your friends and is not now that mean that they are being a follower and they are fake. And they are not important.

Why people think being mean is ok?

Some people become mean to others cos they want to revenge them for being mean to them.

What does it mean when some one gives you money?

Im afraid this is very bad. You seem to be showing symptoms of being a hooker.

What does it mean when you dream about no one being able to reach you?

Your dreaming about no one being able to rech you

Why are people mean when they come from some one else's house?

They are mean because they think that they are the best. They think they are the best because they went to someone's house and the people she's/he's being mean to didn't.

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Chilingworth was being mean to one man called Hester.

What is a word that means the state or quality of being combined into one?

United or Unify. They generally mean being one.

What does harass mean?

Harrassment means a behavior that threatens or torments somebody, especially very persistently.

What does having some nerve mean?

being very cheeky and couragous.

Are some teachers mean?

Mean TeachersYes, there are mean teachers. There are also teachers who get accused of being mean when they are only attempting to teach their students.