When a mint gets stuck in the throat, it is best to try and cough it out. It helps if someone in the vicinity helps the victim by tapping his upper back really hard.
it's when your mum's brain gets stuck in your throat
which creature gets stuckin your troat?
if it do NOT get stuck in your throat then nothing really will happen you might get sick but if it gets stuck in your throat you'll die in 3 mins
Yes, especially if it gets stuck in the back of your throat.
Google... "Post Nasal Drip" and "Tonsilloth" or "Tonsil Stones"
Heimlich maneuver- but it's not likely since they are so small.
artichoke stuck in throat
Stuck in My Throat was created on 2003-11-10.
im sure u start to choke.... pleasee comment me
Still Stuck in Your Throat was created in 2005-10.
NO!2nd Answereer says: Yes, but only if the grasshopper gets stuck in the owl's throat!