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Keep it clean and dry

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Q: What do you do to a burn when the scab falls off for any reason?
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What is the yellow muscus on my scab I have a scab and bashed it then it started bleeding then stopped then yellow muscus arrived any idea on what it is?


Why does a scab form when you get cut?

to prevent any infections

Can you wax your legs if you have a scab on your knee?

you shouldnt be waxing your knees when you have any wounds on it so wait until the scab has gone away

What can you do when a custody mediation is broken?

If mediation fails for any reason, then it falls to the judge to determine custody.

What is the difference between a scab and a virus?

A scab is a dried-up, crusty patch of dead skin on any part of your body on the skin. A virus is completely different from a scab, because a virus is what messes up computers, or carries colds and other diseases (diseases like the flu, the common cold, etc.) that affect human health. Though, the only way in which a scab and virus are related is that if the scab is scratched off, or there is an open spot in the scab, a virus could enter the body through the scab.

I just got a pimple and i squeezed it until the skin came off.i know it will form a scab cause that's what it always does but its taken like 2 days and no scab yet. Any ideas to make it scab faster?


If a road rash happens on a tattoo and it scabs up and when the scab falls it takes the ink with it Can the ink cause health problems If there's any remaining ink?

The remaining ink will not cause any health problems. If you were going to have any problems with the ink, it would have happened immediately after getting the tattoo.

Can you get a scab on your scrotum?

no.. I'm a Doctor and if you have scabs that mostly means you have HIV. a very serious sexually transmitted disease.. and it means you like guys

What do white blood cells do in a scab?

Scab is the rusty brown, dry crust that forms over any injured surface on skin, within 24hrs of injury.Whenever our skin is injured due to any cut or abrasion, it starts bleeding due to blood flowing from the severed vessels. This blood containing platelets, fibrin and blood cells, soon clots, to prevent further blood loss. The outer surface of this blood clot, that is exposed to air, dries up (dehydrates) to form a rusty brown crust, called a scab, which cover the underlying healing tissues like a cap.The purpose of a scab is:to prevent further dehydration of the healing skin underneath,to prevent it from infections,to prevent any entry of contaminants from the external environment.Scabs generally remain firmly in place until the skin underneath has been repaired and new skin cells have appeared, after which it naturally falls off.

When will it not do any damage to pull a scab off?

Scabs fall off naturally when fully healed but you can pull a scab off whenever the injury is healed enough not to cause serious damage from removal.

If an equipped monster falls off where does it go?

If an equipped monster finds itself no longer equipped to a monster for any reason, then it is sent to the graveyard.

What will happen when a satellite falls down?

When a satellite falls out of orbit, it will typically re-enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up due to the heat generated by friction with the air. If any parts of the satellite survive re-entry, they will likely land in the ocean or in unpopulated areas.