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Engage in Martial Arts training and competition.

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Q: What do you do inside a dojo?
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Inside The Dojo.

Where is the bonsai in club peguin?

Inside the dojo next to sensei.

Where is the water dojo?

the water dojo is inside the ninja hideout.

How do you play water dojo?

you need to become a ninja and have membership to get inside

Where is the first clubpenguin Easter egg?

It is in the Dojo inside the small tree next to the sensei.

How do you go inside the shadow dojo in club penguin?

you need 3 friends they haf

How do you join a karate club?

By going inside the dojo meeting the teacher and asking him to join the class

Where is the four egg in club penguin?

The first egg is at the dojo inside behind the little tree.

What is the definition of dojo?


Is there an upstairs in dojo?

No there is not an upstairs to the dojo

How do you get in the snow dojo?

The snow dojo is not out yet

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