The best way to see this is try to figure out whos that person and find out more if you find out somehtinqq you werent expecting ni tottaly think you shuld dump his but!
Don't be jealous, she is only his friend. After all: You can meet boys and be friends with them without being their girlfriend.
Tell him he's being an a hole and that it's upsetting you and you have no room in your life for people that upset you, friend or boyfriend.
Sounds like he isn't interested beyond being a friend. You have a choice. Keep your friendship or loose a friend and not gain a boyfriend.
You get a boyfriend/girlfriend by being kind to the person you want as you boyfriend/girlfriend and becoming their friend. Then when you get the courage you ask them out.
as a friend I'm telling you this as i care for you, but sorry to say your boyfriend is being unfaithful to you and unfortunately he is cheating.
Tell him you're being arrested, and you'll need him to post bail, but don't answer him when he asks why.
it means that hes trying his best but he wants to just be friends
Whether the younger generation prefer to acknowledge it or not there is a code amongst women ... you do not go after their boyfriends or husbands. You should do nothing about your friend's boyfriend and respect your friend enough to walk away from it. If her boyfriend loved you then he would be with you. As far as being your ex boyfriend's best friend this has nothing to do with it. Do the right thing and move on because if you do not then you risk losing a good female friend.
That's possible. But there's a chance that he's friend with her boyfriend. If he isn't his friend, there's a possibility that the boyfriend still has feelings for the ex girlfriend and is being nosey about her new relationship
Hang around without being too obvious, be a friend , and if the boyfriend disappears or moves or whatever , you'll be there.
3some. Answer Attraction is only that, attraction. If it's really your friend you get over it and forget about it.
It depends if she genuinly likes her boyfriend. If she does be her best mate, if you really like her being her best friend is as close as you can get to being her boyfriend just minus the physical side. But if you're an meanie you can easily make her boyfriend jealous by being her best friend and theyll end up braking it off, and she may come running to you. But if he's an meanie and she doesnt really like him go for your life.