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Find out what scares him so much about her. Could be he just doesn't like to be around authority figures.

you can also take him to the social studies teache for advice

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Q: What do you do if your boyfriend is scared of your mom?
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your scared tell your mom how you feel she will care and if it stays this way ask ur mom to stop dating him

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Just say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!!AnswerJust say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!! Don't hide it. A boyfriend is something that shouldn't be hidden. If you are to scared to tell your parents, then what's the point about a boyfriend. Parents then boyfriends

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i have one im just scared we will fall out of love .

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OK first of all why are you scared of your dad mom and if you are just tell them tell them dad or mom I'm scared of you and tell them why and tried to don't be scared of them i hope this really works

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Well if your father and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins then you and your mom's boyfriend are third cousins once removed.

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The duration of My Mom's New Boyfriend is 1.62 hours.

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your mom scared it.

When was My Mom's New Boyfriend created?

My Mom's New Boyfriend was created on 2008-04-30.

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Do not be scared to tell your mom. She will help you learn how to take care of yourself and teach you what to do. There is NO reason to be scared to tell your mom. She knows it will happen soon and will not be mad at you, plus, she has been through it too.

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just go for it there;s nothing to be scared about

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you love him