go out together like to the movies as just friends or dinner and talk about stuff that you both enjoy if you both enjoy the conversation then ask him out if he has a girlfriend just wait for it to be over if the guy rejects you then dont dump your friendship expecially if your best friends maybe the guy is just scared to loss your friendship. if you have a dance coming up its perfect to ask to go as just friends or if you slow dance have him hold you extra close this is not some crap some freak wrote it could work just follow your heart seriously
DO NOT PRETEND TO HATE HIM!!!!! Start giving him SMALL hints, like smile at him alot, and act really charming near him, DON"T CREEP HIM OUT!!!!
if your best friend is a male its parri if your best friend is a male its parri
That decision is entirely up to you. Which one do you love more. If you love your best male friend more go for it and break up with your boyfriend. But if your boyfriend means more to you hold on to the good thing you have.
Tell him how you feel, that's the best thing to do.
Ron Weasley.
A dog can be a male or females best friend as im a girl and my dogs a boy and he's my best friend so it can be both male and females best friend. The dog cannot tell whether the human is male or female anyways.
You need to sit him down and tell him that you think you are really falling for him. Tell him how he makes you feel and why, start with this and the conversation just may take off.
Absolutely, why not, we are all human and cannot help who we fall in (or out) of love with!
I love you my friend (male to male): aní ohév otchá, chaverí (אני אוהב אותך, חברי)
You should talk to him and see what he means by "gay male" and "in love with". Usually a gay male would not be in love with a woman. Maybe he is no longer a gay male. Maybe it was all a trick to get closer to you. There is no right answer, obviously. But there a lot of questions you could ask him.
"I have fallen in love with you!" in English is Mi sono innamorata di te! when said by a female and Mi sono innamorato di te! when said by a male in Italian.
Amicissimus for a male friend. Amicissima for a female friend. Alternatively: Amicus carissimus for a male friend. Amica carissima for a female friend. These mean dearest friend.