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If you can, try to stay away from people in order to prevent the spread of germs. If you must go outside, please practice precautionary measures, such as using hand sanitizer after you rub your nose, eyes, mouth, etc. or sneezing/blowing your nose. Also, sneeze into a hankie, napkin, or tissue; if you don't have one, use the sleeve of your shirt. Sounds gross, but it's for everyone else's protection. As far as home care, have some hot chicken noodle soup (or chicken rice soup, whichever you prefer, as long as it contains chicken meat). There is a chemical called cysteine that will help you get decongested. If you have a cough, take Robitussin or other medication that will break up the mucus in your chest. NEVER take medication that holds back your cough completely. Feel better soon, and hope these tips help you out!

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Q: What do you do if you have a cold?
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