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Regardless of age, if you've inhaled any chemical product, the first measure is to move to an area of "clean" air. Make sure you wash your face and hands with soap and plenty of water, to make sure you don't transfer more from hand-to-face contact and to remove any fine spray from your face.

If you have any symptoms of respiratory distress, call an ambulance immediately. A reaction may be mild at first, and worse later. If your throat feels tight, lungs feel tight, if you have difficulty taking a breath, or if your lips feel numb, you may be having a lung reaction. Medical treatment will protect your airway and treat for chemical exposure.

If you already have a lung diagnosis, you probably need checked even if you are not having respiratory symptoms. A previous lung diagnosis may include: COPD; chronic bronchitis; emphysema; Black Lung; etc. or a history of lung cancer.

The areas most suseptible to chemicals are: the eyes, face, lips, skin (anywhere), and the lungs. When handling any chemical, be sure to take precautions. Wear gloves, long sleeve shirt, long pants, enclosed shoes (no flip-flops), a face mask to protect the mouth and lungs, and goggles to protect the eyes. After using a chemical, wash your hands while still wearing the gloves--or you could transfer chemical to other areas. Wash your gloved hands---then remove the face mask and goggles--then wash your gloved hands again before taking off the gloves.

If any chemical spills in the house, basement, or garage, fresh air is imperative! Open the windows and doors. Suit up--gloves, mask, goggles, long-clothing BEFORE attempting to clean up the spill. It may be best to lay old CLEAN rags onto a spill, and put the drenched rags directly into a double-bagged garbage bag. Immediately remove the double-bagged garbage bag from the house. DO NOT put household cleaners on top of a spilled chemical--you don't know how the chemicals will react together. Instead, drench new clean rags in clear tap water and wipe the area, rinsing frequently. Dump the water in an outside area --not in a garden used to grow food. Get more clean water and repeat with clean rags, several times.

If you've had a spill and you are elderly, ill, immuno-compromised, or have a chronic lung disease, open the windows and doors and call your local fire department for help. They may have a Hazmat team who might help, rather than you exposing yourself to chemicals.

Chemicals can burn the lungs just like it can burn the skin. Always read labels, wear protective clothing and protective appartus, and be extra careful especially with spray products.

I hope the poster has sought medical assistance if needed.

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