Maybe ask her to go somewhere with you. Somewhere like a cafe or something. Not a date place, like a cinema or restaurant though.
well take her away from her friends and go somewhere alone and tell her how you feel and ask if she feels the same way
go somewhere girl or boy
It is very possible that a girl likes you if she wants to go tanning with you.
You guys should go alone, he maybe wants to make his move. He might want to make your relationship with him better.
When he invites you to go somewhere alone.
Ask her.
Ask her where she wants to go to
A leprechaun just wants to be left alone.
go for another girl.
the boy dumps her!
Not answering to your texting can have lots of reasons, it doesn't have to be that she doesn't actually want to go out with you. If you see her somewhere just ask her why she hasn't answered and if she still wants to go out with you.