

Best Answer

fruit and veg there is only 1 fruit and veg

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Q: What do you consider healthy about you?
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How can you consider an individual healthy?

we can consider the person healthy by doing exercises atlest 30 minutes a day.

Why is sprite healthy?

If you consider lots of sugar healthy....then i guess it is.

Would you consider Rihanna fat?

No, she is slim and healthy.

What would chicken soup be considered?

I consider it tasty and healthy.

Is it healthy to eat the stride wrapper?

Of course not. Why would anyone eat plastic, and consider it healthy? That's bad for your system.

What are some healthy fats?

I would consider 'nuts' to be a healthy fat. Can't eat tooo many as they are high fat but definitely something to include in a healthy diet.

Is it healthy to be 77.8 lbs and 59in when your 11?

Yes! That is totally fine your are very healthy. Cookies530 is EXACTLY the same, lol, and people consider me skinny.

Should you diet?

If you're happy & healthy as you are there's no need. If you aren't, consider it.

What is the right weight for height 5'8?

Between 125 and 165 is consider healthy weight

What would you consider a good healthy balanced diet?

watching your weight is concidered a great way to diet

What are some signs of a healthy prayer life?

Consider this: a week without prayer, leaves one weak.

Are donuts heather than cheese pizza?

Depends who you are. A dietician possibly would not consider either one healthy.