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Q: What do you call the spread of malignant cells through blood and lymph to distant sites?
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spread through blood steam

Does aids spread through eating or drinking contaminated blood?

Yes, Aids can be spread through contaminated blood being swallowed.

Is malignant hypertension coded as a cancerous blood disease?

Malignant hypertension is not cancerous.

How is HIV spread through the body?

By blood

Does hepatitis A and hepatities B spread from blood to blood contact?

In the past, people have contracted hepatitis C through blood transfusions

Can T. cruzi spread through blood transfusion?

T. cruzi can be transmitted by blood transfusion

Can you get chlamydia through a cut?

Chlamydia spreads to mucous membranes. It is not spread from blood to blood, so you can't get infected through a cut.

How are blood born infection spread in the work place?

Through air

Can you spread AIDS by picking at scabs?

Potentially. AIDS is spread through infected blood, so if you pick at the scab enough to draw blood, that blood could infect another person.

Can you get herpes from dried blood?

Herpes is primarily transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact, so it is unlikely to be transmitted through dried blood. However, it is still important to practice caution and good hygiene around blood to prevent the spread of any infections.

What are the differences between a benign tumor and a malignant one?

Benign means non cancerous, whereas malignant means it is cancerous. Benign tumors usually aren't as bad because they are easier to remove, not as likely to come back, and don't spread like malignant tumors do. However, they can be bad if they grow too big because they can press on other organs and restrict blood flow.

What impact do malignant lymphocytes have on the production of blood cells and platelets?

These malignant cells may crowd the bone marrow, and, depending on the stage, prevent the production of normal red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.