If the oldest members of the family are seen as leaders, the oldest female is the family matriarch, and the oldest male is the family patriarch.
A patriarch is male and a matriarch is female. Abraham was a patriarch and Sarah was a matriarch.
If you mean the male head of the (in this case) herd, then you call it an "Alpha male". CORRECT ANSWER: Male elephants are called bulls. However, there is no male head of the herd. The head of a herd is always a female elephant, a cow. Elephants are a matriarchal society, which means they are female centric.
The male is Bong Su, the young male is Ongard, the oldest female is Mek Kapah, the second oldest female is Dokkoon, the third oldest female is Kulab, the fourth oldest female is Num Oi and the young female is Mali. They are all very cute!! :)
The head of a Roman family was the oldest male. He was called the paterfamilia.
The oldest male member of a family is typically referred to as the patriarch. This term is used to signify his role as the leader or head of the family.
oldest male in the family
a male duck:drake. a female duck:duck
Female is called a Duck. Male=Drake
belugas are both male and female every single species have both male and female in their family
With mink, the male is a 'boar' and the female is a 'sow'.
It means the woman has the power in the relationship, so if you're female....then they're calling you powerful.Clarification:A matriarch is the female head of the extended family, which is usually the eldest female member. It can be your grandmother, mother, aunt, etc.Likewise, a patriarch is the male head of the extended family, also usually the eldest male family member.
Just male and female although some people call them sire and dam, but this is not widely accepted.