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they are usually called hypochondriac or suffering from Munchhausen syndrome

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Q: What do you call someone who thinks they are seriously ill but they are not?
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What do you call someone who is a hypercondriac?

That was a terrible question, because you call someone who thinks they are ill all the time a hypercondriac. So as in Jeopardy, "What do you call someone who is constantly under the impression that they are ill?" Answer: "What is an a hypercondriac?" That is correct!

When someone tells you that you have a major illness what does this mean?

It means that that you are seriously ill.

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It is when someone is very seriously ill and in danger of dying.

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Answer It can be a loved one. Sometimes if someone has been threatened they will be watched over, someone who is ill, children, someone in danger.

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Someone who is bed ridden and is no longer able to care for themselves. The person is probably in a hospital receiving drugs and other treatments.

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"Gravely ill" means that someone is seriously, severely, or dangerously sick or unwell. It often indicates a critical or life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention and intervention.

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i seriously do not know but ill find out

What can you do when a female dog has a fever?

If she is seriously ill take her to the vet.

Lumps on the back of my tongue and flu like symptoms?

Get to a doc or to a clinic as soon as you can. You may or may not be seriously ill, but it would be unfortunate for you to spread what you have to people who may become seriously ill from it.