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A recluse.

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Q: What do you call someone that never goes outside?
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What do you do if your phone only goes on loud when you call someone?

Don't call someone

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easy going

How would you recognize a weak swimmer?

Someone who never goes to the deep end, cannot perform any type of stroke, and someone who never goes on the diving board.

What goes down and never goes up?

Someone's age

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a diver

What do you call someone that goes through life without plans?

A free spirit

What do you call someone that goes on property without permission?

A tresspasser; the act of tresspasing

What do you do if someone has been texting you and then goes silent on you?

Text them, call them, or go to their house.

What can you do to someone who goes through your mail but doesn't open it?

Call 9-1-1

What do you call someone who comes and goes in your life?

Someone you need to tell they need to either need to come or go and stay there!

How can you tell if someone's phone is on?

You can call them. If they answer, the phone is on.