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The term for a person who is addicted to coffee is Caffeineaholic.

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Coffee Adict

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A caffeine addict.

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Q: What do you call a person who drinks a lot of coffee?
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What do you call someone who drinks a lot?


What other two drinks as well as coffee have caffeine?

Tea has quite a lot of caffeine. Cola drinks also contain it, as well as many 'energy' drinks.

Who drinks a lot of coffee at night?

People who need to stay up all night.

Who all drinks coffee?

Pretty much everyone that's not a nutritionist, that's a lot of people!

How can you bp the person?

Spill a lot of coffee on them.

What do they drink a lot in Ireland that's not alcoholic?

Lots of different drinks, like water, tea and coffee.

What kind of drinks do they have in Denmark?

They drink a lot of coffee and beer. Tea, juice, and milk are also common.

What makes energy drinks energetic?

Well, energy drinks have a lot of caffine in them. Much like a cup of coffee. The caffine in the energy drinks serves as a stimulent for our bodies that boosts our endorphins (that good-feeling sympton you have) and they raise glucose levels. (which is why energy drinks tend to have a lot of them)

Why do Americans drinks coffee?

Some use the caffeine as a wake up source. I drink coffee because I like the taste a lot. I like coffee candy and ice cream and other coffee flavored treats.

A kid that drinks a lot of coffee will be short or tall?

Coffee does not influence your growth - only your genes do, unless you engage in some other harmful activities like smoking.

What types of drinks do people drink in Oman?

they drink a lot of teas, coffee, yogurt mixes, and fruit juices/ smoothies

What do you call a person who praises himself?

You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.