Generally speaking, he is just a customer of the prostitute, however, a common term for this is "john."
Same as the title of a female who accepts payment for sex, prostitute.
A male prostitute is commonly referred to as a "gigolo" or "escort".
A call girl is a prostitute who makes her arrangement on phone.
A prostitute.
A call girl is a female prostitute, especially one hired by telephone.
A girl that has sex with a man but paid in cocaine not cash like a prostitute.
When you call a woman a hoe it means she is a prostitute.
Answer:No a whore aka a prostitute is someone, man or woman, who has sex for money.Answer:no that's wrong 2 a whore is just someone who has a lot of sexAnswer.No that is slang. The correct answer is a prostitute. That is what it always have meant and still do. It's just as a insult guys started calling women that and now women even call each other that. That is why they are always wrong unless you actually are a prostitute.
I think the Call was too proud to admit he had sex with a prostitute.
Easy, i did a lot! Thought i was gonna "save her", i'm stupid.