Sex :)
it really depends about yourself
While I am not a woman myself, I understand that women can enjoy sex quite a lot, so it seems logical that they will feel something.
Depends on your sex. It feels diffrent for men and women.
Yes it is different when you have sex on your period .You could feel more aroused and it can relieve cramps. So it does feel different
Sex is normally very pleasant, both for the man and for the woman.
I'm not a woman, but I can assume they feel used, how would you feel if you were a woman and used strictly for sex and then dumped?Some women surely seek out one-night stands; I imagine how they feel depends upon how good or bad the sex was.
so good
Because they feel like sex on your feet.
Yes they do unless they feel it is wrong kind of sex act.
Only someone who has experienced both could answer that.
sex is not classified as women and men sex. it is mutual relation between man and women. sex is not classified as women and men sex. it is mutual relation between man and women.