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Q: What do toxins that affect the eyes nose throat and lungs have in common?
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Where is mucous common location?

Throughout the respiratory system: in the sinuses, nose, throat, larynx, bronchi and lungs.

How does Common cold affect the body?

It slows down the internal organs, which is making you cough because your lungs don't work as well, and sneeze because the toxins in your body bunch up in your nose.

How do smoknig affect sport performance?

It can affect the amount of air absorbed by the lungs due to the coating of the lungs from the various toxins and chemicals inhaled. This can lead to shortening of breath and maybe even heart attack/palpitations.

How does smoking affect a person?

Stunts growth. Damages lungs. Puts toxins in the body...cancer....death....emphasyma (sp)

What are the two lungs called in your throat?

I think you are referring to your tonsils, as you do not have lungs in your throat.

How does smog affect your body?

smog can irritate eyes, throat, and lungs. it can also harm plants and other living things

How many chemicals are in the cigrate?

A cigarette contains thousands of chemicals, including tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and various carcinogens. These chemicals are harmful to health and can increase the risk of developing serious diseases like cancer and heart disease.

How is air carried into the lungs?

from nose through airway in throat into lungs

What is the most common cancer that you can get from tobacco?

Lung cancer would be the most common, though some people may get mouth or throat cancer before getting it in the lungs.

Where in body does toxins exit?

Toxins are primarily eliminated from the body through the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal system. The liver helps process and detoxify substances, the kidneys filter toxins from the blood to be excreted in urine, the skin releases toxins through sweat, the lungs expel toxins when exhaling, and the gastrointestinal system removes waste and toxins through bowel movements.

What is the system consisting of lungs and throat?

The respiratory system is what system your lungs are apart of, and your throat, if it's the same as the esophagus, is apart of the digestive system.

How can dust from a volcano be harmful?

It contains toxins that are harmful to lungs.