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a market system

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Q: What do societies with mostly capitalist economies distribute health care through?
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Does disease spread faster through agrarian societies or hunter gather societies?


Do economies go through ups and downs?

Yes, economies fluctuate, meaning they experience ups and downs, due to many factors.

How do you distribute those products?

By the usual way through which they are distributed.

Marketing channels can achieve economies of scale through?

contact expertise

How did Utopian socialists and communists differ in their opinion about the future of European societies?

Answer this question… Utopian socialists believed that a classless society could be created peacefully, while communists believed that it could only occur through a violent revolution.

Can the third world countries delink from the capitalist orbit and develop?

as a matter of circumstance of globalism through globalisation, interdependence of all economies cannot be reversed but the panacea of the third world' problem in the new age is to domesticate opportunities as a result of the current wave. Delinking is unimaginable because it is a wishful thinking and even though if done has no solution. The capitalist orbit is more or less the globe itself and who ever that want to delink is tantamount leaving the globe which is impossible.

Why do you stir when cooking on a hob?

To distribute heat through the food evenly.

Did the individuals cultures societies and the world change through times of conflict and cooperation?

Individuals, cultures, societies, and the world change through times of peacetradeconflict and cooperation.

What does the term 'capitalist' mean?

Someone who owns and controls sufficient means of production that they can employ and exploit workers.

What is cardiovascular efficiency?

it is how well yourbody can distribute blood and oxygen through the body

Why are nations with centrally planned economies sometimes slow?

Central planning offered a means to concentrate scarce economic resources on the development of industry and infrastructure, but it never resolved the problem of identifying and responding promptly to consumer wants and adjusting rapidly to wider economic change expressed in capitalist economies through the market. In practice its accounting mechanisms also tended to prioritise quantity rather than quality, promoting heavy industry at the expense of satisfying consumer demand.

What are some human matriarchal societies?

I know that many Native American civilizations had matrilineal societies and the bloodlines were traced through the mothers.