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The effects are extremely variant, depending on the person involved. Everybody is different, therefore everybody will feel different effects.

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Q: What do shrooms do too you?
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Why does the cow dance and Moon turn neon green?

Because you ate too many shrooms

Do shrooms show on a nine panel drug test?

No, but shrooms can be tested for in an extended drug test.

Are shrooms natral?

Unlike LSD shrooms are grown in the wild and natural

Is Mario Human?

um yeah ! he just eats too many shrooms thats why he thinks he can fly and shoot fireballs

Street name for shrooms?

Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms, Liberty Caps, Mushies, etc...

Why the forest is a storehouse of medicine?

Because the forest has weed and shrooms in it, the weed for glycoma and the shrooms jist because

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LSD and Shrooms

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What color are shrooms?

Depends on the kind.

Who started shrooms?

it was more of discovery

What is the penalty for growing shrooms?


Does Klonopin block the effect of shrooms?

Klonopin is a benzodiazpine and benzodiazpines are known to reduce the effects of psychedelics, including "shrooms" (psilocybin mushrooms).