Purple flowers tend o signify power or royalty. so if you get them i suppose that means that the person giving them to you thinks you arepowerful and very wealthy and rich in love.
"Purple flowers and..." in English is fiori viola e... in Italian.
A+ purple flowers.
If purple flowers are dominant to white flowers, it means that a plant with one purple allele and one white allele will display the purple flower phenotype. The white flower phenotype would only be expressed if the plant inherits two white alleles.
Purple water lilies are fragrant and showy flowers that float on the water surface. The purple flowers typically have bright purple petals with yellow centers.
purple (in ancient art)
Purple flowers that begin with the letters Th are:ThistlePurple Thornapple
Purple and green flowers!
A+ purple flowers.
Well there are lots of purple flowers, maybe if you make a description it could help or posta photo.
Verbena has purple flowers.
they have either pink or yellow flowers