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Though pesticides have some good in them, they also have bad. Pesticides accumulate in the fat deposits in the body where they remain and cause damage. Children are more likely to suffer negative effects from pesticide exposure than adults In and around homes, children and adults spend a lot of time around the lawn and on the floor, where pesticide residues are often found. It is said that even in households identified as "low use homes" have at least 5 pesticides. Pesticides can remain on food even after you wash or clean them off. When people come across pesticides they can cause cancer, brain tumors, and even if the mother of an unborn child comes across them, the child could have birth defects:

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Q: What do pesticides do to your body?
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Do pesticides stay in the body?

Pesticides can accumulate in the body over time if exposure occurs frequently or in large amounts. However, most pesticides are broken down and eliminated from the body relatively quickly, either through urine, feces, or exhalation. Regularly washing fruits and vegetables, as well as following safety instructions when handling pesticides, can minimize exposure.

Should pesticides be used to produce more food?

no because pesticides can also kill some crops, they are also harmful to the human body

Why do we dip green vegetables into salt water and bitter herbs into haroset?

green vegetables which are extracted in land contains pesticides in it and when u wash it these pesticides are not we dip them in salt water(good amount of salt) for at least 20 minutes as salt takes or say salt consumes water and it takes out water from body of pesticides and when water is out from body of pesticides then the pesticide dies...and then it is ready to cook....:)

Are pesticides dangerous for mammals?

It has been proven that pesticides are indeed dangerous to mammals, humans eat crops sold at the market that contain the pesticides unless organic, who that eat such crops are ingesting the chemicals and these chemicals reach the colon and remain there, making the colon toxic and slowly poisoning the body.

Is food better for your health with pesticides or without pesticides?

pesticides kill insects. Pesticides contain carcinogenic ingredients. Pesticides have warning lables that say not to inhale them or make contact with their skin. You do the math.

What carcinogens are in pesticides?

Your moms carcinogens are in pesticides?!?!?!?!?!

Which fungus kills pesticides?

Fungus does not kill pesticides, pesticides (fungicide to be exact) kill fungus.

What diseases are caused by pesticides?

---- Diseases caused by pesticides include many skin diseases because farmers are physically exposed to the pesticides as they are spraying it or mixing it - dermatitus. Dermititus causes the body to have some allergic reactions; itchiness, soreness, swelling, etc. Another one is if you consume some food with pesticides than you may find you are sweating or your major body organs are not working at their normal pace either faster of slower. ---- To find out more about diseases caused by pesticides check out: 1) 2) ---- Also, according to one health expert, polio, is also caused by pesticides. ----

Pesticides can be grouped according to what?

pesticides can be grouped according to

How bio pesticides are beneficial over chemical pesticides?

It is supposed that biopesticides are not so dangerous for the environment as artificial pesticides.

Pesticides are helpful for increasing the food supply . which use of pesticides is most dangerous for humans?

spreading pesticides with airplanes

What has the author J Gordon Hanna written?

J. Gordon Hanna has written: 'Commercial feeding stuffs' -- subject(s): Feeds, Analysis 'Commercial feeding stuffs' -- subject(s): Feeds, Analysis 'Pesticides' -- subject(s): Pesticides, Analysis 'Pesticides' -- subject(s): Pesticides, Analysis 'Commercial feeding stuffs' -- subject(s): Feeds, Analysis 'Pesticides' -- subject(s): Pesticides, Analysis 'Pesticides' -- subject(s): Pesticides, Analysis 'Pesticides' -- subject(s): Pesticides, Analysis 'Commercial feeding stuffs' -- subject(s): Feeds, Analysis