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In the UK the tablets are small white ovals.

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13y ago

In the UK it is a small white oval tablet

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12y ago

green color #93 on tab

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Q: What do losartan tablets look like?
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What over the counter pain medication can be taken with Losartan Tablets?

There are no know painkillers that interact with Losartan. (I currently take them with panadol and codeine).

Can you eat bananas while taking Losartan potassium tablets?

Bananas do not contain enough potassium to cause a problem when taking Losartan potassium tablets. One should always consult their doctor with any medical concerns while taking medication.

Can you dissolve losartan tablet in water?

It is not recommended to dissolve losartan tablets in water before taking them. The tablet should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. If you have difficulty swallowing tablets, speak with your doctor or pharmacist for alternative options.

Is losartan Potassium 50 Mg tablets the same as Diovan 160Mg Tablets?

Is losartin 50 mg equivalent to diovan 160Mg

What does a Magna RX pill look like?

its look like a capsools but its tablets

Are losartan tablets better than lisinopril tablets for controlling blood pressure strokes.?

Your doctor will evaluate your individual case and decide which medication is best for your blood pressure. What works for one will not work for everyone.

What do tertroxin tablets look like?

See the link below.

What is the difference between losartan potassium and losartan?

Losartan and losartan potassium are the same medication. Losartan potassium is the active ingredient in the medication, while Losartan is the generic name of the drug.

Are statins in losartan?

There are no statins in losartan. Losartan purely lowers blood pressure, not cholesterol.

Why iron tablets were not hard and didnot look like iron at allwhat tablets contained?

Iron tablets are not made of pure metallic iron; instead, they contain iron salts like ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, or ferrous fumarate. These salts are easily absorbed by the body. The tablets are designed to be easy to swallow and digest, which is why they are usually coated and do not resemble solid iron.

Does losartan causes hyponatremia?

Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia have been reported with losartan. This is listed in the adverse effects of losartan by Merck the manufacturers

Does losartan has aspirin in it?

Losartan does not contain asprin. Losartan is purely a blood pressure lowering drug, and contains no other drugs "mixed in" with it.