To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Gametogenesis is essential to humans who want to reproduce. Gametogenesis, however, is not an essential life function.
animals also have right to leave and what humans want for themselves also have right to have.
Because it is fiction. In real life, there are no Veelas or potions. Plus, Veelas are more or less humans too; we know that they can interbreed with humans.
if you are asking what it means it can be interpreted as how humans always want more no matter what and can not settle for what is given to them in this case humans are seeking a better life then he one that has been "given" to them or in simpler terms the life that they have
No life would still go on without humans
Humans will become lazy and obese. The robots will be doing all the work for them.
Humans sleep just about there whole life away. So while your awake make the best of it.
Humans in Antarctica do not step into the life cycle of any animal they study.
Nag and Nagaina wanted to kill the humans in the "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" story because they viewed them as a threat to their existence. The snakes were concerned that the humans would harm them or disrupt their way of life, so they decided to eliminate the perceived threat by attacking the family living in the bungalow.
Humans grunt because they want to. If they want to. When they want to. But the humans grunt when they try to lift or push something really heavy. It's just something that they do. Or if they get hit really hard in the stomach or somewere else
No, water is a chemical in which most of all living creatures want water. If there is water there in living creatures. Water is a thing in which we, Humans need it.
Humans mostly inhabit Antarctica for the purpose of science. Humans want to study how life is possible under such harsh conditions.Another AnswerHumans -- scientists and people who work in support of science -- live in Antarctica temporarily to study the health of planet earth.