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Well, some guys (jerks) find them... scary (that's the only word I can think of...). They are scared of the idea of commiting to not only the lady, but also the child and being seen as a father figure. The idea of this much commitment scares them half to death. Some men (the good ones) would love to be like a dad. They'd treat the child like their own. And love the mother with all their heart. I know you don't like this but... men cannot be generalized. Each one is different. Hope this helps... -ramennoodles89

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Q: What do guys think about single mothers?
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This question really depends on the idea of each person. Some people think that British Columbia have had good healthcare for single mothers, but some others think that It is.

Can single mothers get grants?

Yes, single mothers are eligible to receive grants. Grants for single mothers are made available by the state government, federal government, and businesses.

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Yes there are Pell grants available for single mothers. There are also other grants and scholarship available to for single mothers as well.

When was Swaziland Single Mothers Organization created?

Swaziland Single Mothers Organization was created in 2009.

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Websites that you can read about grants for college for single mothers is aspx and

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You can go to to find financial aid for single mothers

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they are both humans.

What has the author Shurlee Swain written?

Shurlee Swain has written: 'Single mothers and their children' -- subject(s): Single mothers, History

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i think the birth mothers where there to take care of a biological mothers child to help out

Are guys more hormonal than girls?

YES! every three minutes of each day guys think about sex or hooking up! that's why im single (:

What are some nursing scholoarships for single mothers?

Nursing Scholarships for Single Mothers is a nice scholarship. Another scholarship is Project Working Mom which is a scholarship for a working single mother.

Why do guys think about guys?

The same reason guys think about girls.