Because they have long branching dendrites that connect one cell to another.
Yes. These are called dendrites becasue they do look like branches on a tree.
dendrites are located at the nerves together with axons.
The plural form of dendrite is dendrites.
Dendrites are the extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses towards the cell body of the neuron.
The short fibers that extend from a neuron are called dendrites. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body of the neuron.
dendrites < δενδρίτες < δένδρο [thendro] = tree
The dendrites receive the data or signal from another neuron for the soma.
In a neuron, axons are long projections that transmit signals away from the cell body, while dendrites are shorter projections that receive signals from other neurons. Axons and dendrites connect at junctions called synapses, where signals are passed between neurons. This relationship allows for communication and signal transmission within the nervous system. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a diagram in this text-based format.
The type of nearon with only two dendrites is bipolar.
Dendrites receive signals in the nervous system.