If you have bumps down your throat and you feel like you have something stuck in your lower throat, it could be a bacterial infection such as pharyngitis or tonsillitis. You should consult your doctor because bacterial infections usually require a course of antibiotics to clear them up.
Step throat
The flesh colored bumps in the back of your throat could be a mucocele or lymphoid follicles. Both of these are harmless, do not cause any pain and do not require treatment.
If someone "jumps down your throat" it means they react very angrily about something you said.
I think that you need to take your child to the doctor because all though I am not a doctor white bumps in the throat can be signs of strep throat i have had it many times and each time the first sign of it was white bumps on my throat.missy177
He like totally flipped out!
He like totally flipped out!
If you have bumps on back of your mouth and under your tongue and it hurts to swallow, you are most likely coming down with some kind of virus. It may be strep throat and will need to be checked out by a physician.
Every car slows down for speed bumps... that's what speed bumps are for.
mostly simple mouth ulcer...but better get it checked by a qualified doctor
It means that mucus from the sinuses has gathered in the nose, effectively blocking it, and run down into the throat.
Deficiency of the vitamins the tongue sore is the cause to tongue sore.
adenoviruses.infections of the lungs and ears. sore throat. cough, runny nose, white bumps on the tonsils and throat, mild diarrhea, vomiting, and a rash. The sore throat lasts about one week.