A headache is a symptom, not a cause. Generally they only cause pain, although in the most severe cases (migraines) they can cause vomiting and other problems.
I Know That Stress Can Cause Headaches, But I Am Not So Sure About Gum Aches.
it is usual in some people who are suffering from head ache(migrain) might cause because of heridity tension is also asmall cause for head aches the only way to reduce headaches is maintaining balanced diet
Water -.- xD
you might have a sour throat and might cough frequently and can cause head aches
Yes, any physical discomfort can influence one's dreams.
Head aches, stomach aches, exzema
yes, goats milk can cause great pain and it may cause head aches. most flews and dizzyness is caused from goat milk.
Yes, a bad tooth can cause sharp pain in the head.
Trepanning which is when a barber or doctor drills a hole in your head to let out the bad spirits. It obviously didn't work and they usually died.
If you live by one, then yes. It gets into your water and stuff and you have head aches and all sorts of bad things. It's just sad.
go see your OBGYN or doctor.