Because they are probably stupid 10, 11, 12 year olds who just don't know how youtube works, and whats innapropiate and what is not innapropiate, and they just flag things innapropiate because they think it's innapropiate. They don't know they will get into trouble if they join youtube at a young age. That's why noobs wrecked youtube.
Have sex!
If you consider the text message innapropiate then text who sent it to you and tell them that was not ok and if it continues then block the number and if that doesn't work find out who it is and file a law suit.
Both kids and adults can have fun playing it, it is not age specific.
Because they are just grown-up bullies.
This is a inapropiate question
They hiked in the mountains
They play ice ball
Sry for being innapropiate but boobs and ass and face