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Q: What do Filipinos and RazaLatino groups traditionally believe that health is dependent upon a balance of?
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We Filipinos are mild drinkers. character?

Filipinos are known for their moderate and responsible drinking habits. Alcohol is typically consumed in social settings such as gatherings or celebrations, where it is enjoyed in moderation. This cultural approach to drinking reflects a balance of enjoyment and self-control.

Want to check your Contributory Provident Fund balance?

After Searching ans of above que i thought that there is no facility to know our CPF balance.... all CPF member are dependent to Concern Organization. recently its shown that EPF balance are available online.

What are some of the health problem cause by an balance diet?

Traditionally, moving to a balanced diet, from an "unbalanced" diet, alleviates health problems(makes them go away).

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The predominance of this mental lightness or "euphoria" depends on the balance of other active ingredients and the freshness of the herb.

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B. L. Welsh has written: 'A dynamic balance for the measurement of time-dependent aerodynamic forces on wind-tunnel models'

What is difference between a trial balance and a balance sheet?

Traditionally, in the double entry accounting system, a trial balance is a simple summary of all the accounts of a business including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity. A balance sheet, on the other hand, is a formally organized summary of assets, liabilities, and equity only. (Or what it's got and what it owes.) And to complete the picture then, an income statement is a formally organized summary of income and expenses. (Or what it earned and what it spent.)

The meaning of humour in every man in his humour by ben jonson?

This aphorism is a reference to the notion that every person had a particular balance of elements which contribute to their individual humoural balance (or constitution). Traditionally this humoral balance could be ascertained by a combination of physical examination and astrological evaluation of the person. "Every man in his humour" is the potential for each individual to attain good health by a balanced interaction with the environment.

What happens to your monthly payments once you get your bank card replaced?

Replacing your bank card will have no effect on your monthly payments. The amount you have to pay each month is dependent on your account balance !

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When an 18 year old is covered by the parents insurance the 18 year old is considered a dependent on the policy who is responsible for the balance after insurance has paid The parent or the dependent?

As a billing clerk in a medical office, I would ask at the time of service who is the responsible party for any uncovered charges. Most of the time the parents assumed responsibility for the charges-- but this is not written in stone. The "guarantor" information can be edited at any time and if the parents want the 18 year old to pay then he/she would become responsible for his/her balance.

What do you think precipitate the rise and falls of the civil right and public order?

This is dependent on the balance of equality between what is right for the state and what is fair for the individuals, as public disorder can occur if people feel they are not being treated fairly.

Can you use two wah pedals at the same time?

They can be run in tandem. One's ability to use them simultaneously would be dependent on their balance and coordination, as well as their weight and the ability of those two pedals to support their weight.