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Q: What difference can you make about the effect of tides and health in Jamestown?
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What is solar tides?

solar tides are tides thst effect the ocean tides

Do the oceans features effect waves and tides?

no oceans do not effect waves and tides

Does the planet Venus or Mars effect the Earth's tides?

No, the planets Venus and Mars do not have a significant effect on Earth's tides. The main contributor to Earth's tides is the gravitational pull of the Moon, with the Sun also playing a role. The influence of Venus and Mars on Earth's tides is negligible compared to the influence of the Moon and the Sun.

Do sun has no effect on the size of tides?

the answer is no.

What are effect of ocean tides?

the moon

What is the time difference tides?

an hour

What main effect does the moon have on earth?

The tides.

What is the effect of moon phases?

it can affect tides,

What effect have tides had on the length of a day?

The tides are slowing the earths rotation and making the day longer.

Does moon have effect on Earth?

Yes, the tides is one effect.It moves the tides in and out and looks pretty!

What are the only two objects that effect tides on earth?

The Sun and the Moon.

Ocean tides are caused by what?

Tides are mainly caused by the pull of the moon.