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Q: What did civilizations have to do if there was not enough rainfall to secure the health of a crop and a good harvest?
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Rainfall can influence plant growth and health by providing the necessary water for photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, and cell elongation. Adequate rainfall also helps to prevent drought stress and wilting in plants, ensuring their survival and productivity. However, excessive rainfall can lead to waterlogged soils, causing root suffocation and diseases in plants.

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What is erratic rainfall?

Not entirely certain but, I would say from the definition of the word erratic, erratic rainfall refers to unpredictable rainfall. Non-uniform rainfall. Like when you know its rainy season but the weather forecast says there would be little or no rainfall. You leave the house and get dripping wet after 5 minutes of rain! Reminds me of the Nigerian meteorological services (Weather forecasting corporation)

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No, the can be any colour and still have a health, normal calf.

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It really depends on your age and how often you expect to need to visit the doctor. If you are going to go frequently, then no, catastrophic health insurance is not enough for you.

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The average rainfall in a coniferous forest typically ranges from 30 to 60 inches per year. This consistent moisture level helps sustain the growth of coniferous trees, which are adapted to thrive in these conditions. Variations in rainfall can impact the overall health of the forest ecosystem.

Where can you find a helth mash on Howrse?

To get a health mash, you have to board your horse in an equestrian center with health mashes available. to get health mashes for your equestrian center, you have to grow and harvest every ingredient in the meadows and go to "produce mash" Happy howrseing! Mally223

Why is rainfall a key to Africa's climate?

Rainfall is key to Africa's climate because the continent relies heavily on the seasonal and sometimes unpredictable nature of rainfall for agriculture, water resources, and overall ecosystem health. The amount and distribution of rainfall largely determine the types of vegetation, land use patterns, and economic activities in different regions of Africa. Variability in rainfall can lead to droughts or floods, impacting food security and livelihoods across the continent.

What are the major effects of heavy rainfall on human settlement?

One major effect of heavy rainfall on human settlement is flooding. Flooding can occur anywhere there is an over abundance of water. Flooding causes people to lose their homes or businesses. It can also be a risk to health.