Apothecaries are Chemists iof the 1800's. They used a varitey of herbs and spices to make their medicence. Instore the made and sold drugs. Apothecaries are Chemists iof the 1800's. They used a varitey of herbs and spices to make their medicence. Instore they made and sold drugs.
Apothecaries in the 17th century used primarily plants and herbs to make medications. They also used minerals, animal products, and some chemical substances to create remedies for various ailments. The knowledge and techniques of herbal medicine and alchemy were essential in crafting these medications.
In the Canterbury Tales, the doctor has a profitable arrangement with apothecaries based on commissions he receives for prescribing medications. The doctor prescribes costly remedies that the apothecaries profit from by selling, creating a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties make money. This arrangement reflects the common practices of medical professionals and apothecaries during the medieval period.
In the early 17th century
yes for dragons.
who look ?
The English were busy with religious and political conflicts.
i believe it was back in 1602 that the famous Philip gerogson decided to make players wear jerseys. He was 47 at the time and is one of the greatest minds of the 17th century.
Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the sun, and the earth's moon.
No. Fermat was born in the 17th century, but Pythagoras died in about the 5th century BC, so there's no way Fermat could have helped him apart from going back in time.
The word "spectrum" was coined by Isaac Newton in the 17th century to describe the band of colors that make up white light when passed through a prism.
Rene Descartes was a French mathematician and in the early 17th century he introduced what we call today the Cartesian coordinate plane in which graphs are plotted.