They were married in St. John, New Brunswick on 24 May 1865. Rebecca's husband, Arthur, was NOT a physician. See: Find A Grave Memorial# 158462958. The photo above is not Arthur Crumpler.
Only if she has stripes.
Yes, it is very possible for a Christian to date and marry a person who is LDS. You will need to discuss this with the person you want to date or marry.
No, he did not.
Well there must be a lot of Arthur Mitchell's but this Arthur is a man who is the younger brother of a good actress Nancy Sullivan. Arthur date of birth February 20 1975. Date of marriage October 14 1997
They do not date, but they will marry in the end.
No, Justin Bieber did not date Rebecca Black. He is dating Selena Gomez
# Cleopatra did not marry Caesar, although she wanted to, for he was her lover.
she was borm 1846 she was borm 1846
Men do date and marry heavier women; simply looking at television and who "celebrities" date won't show you that, but in reality, it's very common.
St. Rebecca the Martyr was killed in the 3rd century in Alexandria, Egypt. There is no exact information on her date of birth or death.