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cricket finger not be normal anymore

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Q: What damages can be done by dislocating a finger?
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What are direct damages?

Direct damages refer to the damages followed directly upon the act done. This is also called as general damages. On the other hand, this does not comprise indirect damages like expenses earned.

Do the skeleton prevents the bones from being dislocated?

The skeleton is the actual bones. The muscular system prevents the bones from dislocating. The stronger that you are, the least chance you have of dislocating a bone during sports.

What is the most common lab test done from a finger stick?

The most common lab test done from a finger stick is:

If a car was stolen and the driver was not found who is responsible for the damages done to your car?

If the drive is not found, your insurance will have to cover the damages. When the guy is found, press charges and sue him for damages.

What can make you walk better after dislocating your knee?

A cane or walker can help a person to walk better after dislocating their knee. Though this can be a bit painful, it shouldn't keep a person from walking forever, by any means.

What is being done to correct the damages from mining?

i really have no idea sorry

What exercises should you refrain after dislocating a shoulder?

the internet is a good place to have a look

Are police liable for damages done to a car that was searched while it was impounded because of drug charges?

If no drugs were found and you were aquitted completely, then they are liable for damages.

What damages to plants is done by acid rain?

soil will be dry then plants will die

How do you put reparation sentence?

It is time for us to pay reparations for the damages we have done.

I have finger pain. How can I tell if my finger is broken or not?

The surest way to tell if your finger is broken is to have an x-ray done by a doctor. They will be able to tell for sure.