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Q: What damage is done when hitting the back of head?
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Why is it harmful to hit someone on the back of the head?

Hitting someone on the back of the head can cause serious injury to the brain, spinal cord, and neck. It can lead to concussions, brain damage, and neurological problems. Additionally, hitting the back of the head can also result in loss of consciousness and potentially life-threatening complications.

What damage can be done by not supporting a baby's head?

There is a lot of damage that can be done by not supporting a baby's head. Both brain damage and suffocation can occur if the head is not supported.

Can you damage your brain if you moved your head to fast I moved my head sideways fast to the left to prevent from hitting it?


Is it dangerous hitting the back middle of the head on a shelf?

Hitting the back middle of the head on a shelf can potentially cause a head injury such as a concussion, scalp laceration, or even a skull fracture. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms such as dizziness, headache, or nausea persist after the injury.

Can you nock someone out by hitting them in the back of the head?

If you hit them hard enough, yes you can

Can hitting a pothole can head gaskets damage?

No, impossible. the head gasket cannot be affected by a pothole unless the engine fell out and the rest of the car drove over it.

What can you do in UFC?

Everything is legal except for head-butts, biting, eye raking, ball hits, and hitting the back of the head.

Why you should bring the shoulder charge back in rugby league?

Basically you shouldn't. The practice of shoulder charging causes more stinger injuries than head on tackles. The shoulder is one of the most damages areas beside the knee in the modern game. Hitting with the shoulder only could if done indiscriminately cause severe damage

Does hitting your head at 15 mph has the same impact as being hit with sledge hammer?

No, hitting your head at 15 mph will result in less force and impact compared to being hit with a sledgehammer. The force generated by a sledgehammer is much greater due to its weight and speed of impact, which can cause severe damage to the head and brain.

Could you damage your Frontal Lobe by being hit in the back of the head?

The back of the head is usually the parietal lobe and occipital lobe.

What help prevent brain damage in nerve agent victims?

make sure you dont hit your head on anything,because every time you hit your head on something,brain damage is even more common.ive been hitting my head my whole life,im 11,so ive hit my head all the time for 11 years,but i dont have brain damage

Can hitting your head cause your head to itch?
