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The damage that a fire can cause will vary depending on how fast it spreads. This may include causalities, fatalities, destruction of property, pollution of the environment and so much more.

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Q: What damage does fire cause?
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What is it called when you intentionally set a fire to cause damage?

When you intentionally set a fire to cause damage it is called arson.

What damage can cause fire?

A lot of damage.. anyone knows what fires can do!!!

How large of a fire usually causes fire damage?

Small fires will cause fire damage. However, it just depends on where the fire is at in the house. If it's in the living room, furniture can get damaged with fire places.

The principles of proximate cause?

Principles of Insurance : Proximate Cause The efficient cause which brings about a loss with no other intervening cause which breaks the chain of events. Example:Firemen remove undamaged stock from a burning building to avoid its involvement in the fire. It is stacked in the open yard and subsequently damaged by rain. Was the proximate cause of the damage the fire or the rain ? If the rain damage occurred before the Insured had an opportunity to protect it then the proximate cause of the damage would be the fire and fire is covered under a fire policy. However, if the stock was left unprotected for an unreasonably long period, the rain would be a new and independent cause of damage and damage caused by rain may not be covered under a policy.

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because they both spread fast and cause damage

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What damage does fire cause to aircraft?

May cause engine stop. And if the aircraft is standing still with fire around it, the flames can enter the vent holes for the fuel tanks and cause explosion.

Does homeowners insurance cover damage to borrowed tools and yard equipment?

No, this would no be covered. The cause of the damage must be a covered cause such as fire, windstorm, theft, etc.

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Did not result in a Japanese surrender

Can going through a rain storm cause damage to a corvette and cause it to catch fire two weeks later?

Very unlikely.

Why do we need fire?

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Are Pikmin in Super Smash Bros.. Brawl?

Yes. Captain Olimar is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and he uses all five of the Pikmin that had been created at that time in his attacks. Red Pikmin cause fire damage, Yellow Pikmin cause electrical damage, Blue Pikmin cause regular damage, Purple Pikmin cause considerable damage, and White Pikmin cause poison damage.