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I like your (if he's wearing like cool shoes or a scarf etc..) scarf!

Don't go to homo.

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Q: What could you ask a lad?
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How do you ask a lad you are not dating if he likes you?

"Hello Lad, do you like me?"

How do you ask a lad if he likes you?

if you are friends, then have someone else ask for you, but if he is the kind of lad who wont bring that up again just ask him right up front,

What can you get a lad for his birthday?

A lad? well you could get a toy or video game.

How do you ask a popular lad out?

Be confident -- just get him on his own and go for it!

Why do teachers breath smell?

sad lad dad fad lass all ads fall jak ask all as add ad a lad dad sad fad all ads fsll sll ask a sad lass; as a dad; all dads ; all ads; add a jak; a fall; ask dad; all fads; ask a lad; a sad dad

How many lorries does tesco have?

Ask sarders dad, he's a top lad

What does Isaac ask Abraham?

Isaac was a young lad , and he asked Abraham , where is the lamb for the sacrifice.

How do you ask you lad out over text?

I wouldn't. Ask him on his own, to his face if possible. He'll appreciate it more if he's a decent guy.

What should you do if you really like a guy in your class and you want to ask him out but you think he will say no?

Knock the lad out

If you like a guy that is 15 and your only 12 and he likes you what do you do?

well love theres nothing wrong with that if i was you id ask my parents permisson to date this lad or at least introduce him to them. if all goes well you and this lad could end up dating and it may work out very well if your mature enough to make it work !

A young male child rhymes with mad?

The term that rhymes with "mad" and refers to a young male child is "lad." Rhyming is a poetic device that involves creating similar sounds at the end of words. In this case, the "-ad" sound in "mad" is echoed in the word "lad," making them a rhyming pair.

What is the masculine noun of lad?

The plural form of the noun lad is lads.