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Potential dangers after an appendectomy include, but are not limited to, infection, adhesions in the repaired bowel (these adhesions are common in bowel surgery), and in extreme cases death. Some symptoms that might occur are worsening pain, fever, redness, swelling, or warmth at the incision sight, and drainage from the incision. Contact your doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

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Q: What could go wrong after an appendectomy?
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How long can you go back to work after an appendectomy?

1 week

What could lead to appendectomy?

If you have an inflamed/infected appendix then your Doctor may admit you to hospital for an "appendectomy". An appendectomy is an operation to remove the appendix. However, in my youth, before medical services were more or less available globally, if you got a job working in remote areas, your employer often asked you to have an appendectomy so that you could not develop appendicitis (an inflamed/infected appendix) in the field and require emergency repatriation for treatment.

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If you need an appendectomy but keep postponing having your appendix removed, your appendix could rupture, and if you don't find a surgeon and a doctor in a hurry, a ruptured appendix, which causes peritonitis, could be fatal.

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Appendix. An appendectomy is the operation to remove the appendix.

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Is appendectomy a type of excision?

Yes, appendectomy is excision (surgical removal) of the appendix.

What is the best diet after appendectomy?

The same as before an appendectomy. aA balanced one.

Can you swim if you had a appendectomy?

As long as the scar is healed then there is no reason why you can't swim after an appendectomy

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