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There are various conditions where you could get a rash on your stomach, but the most common is contact dermatitis. Many people are slightly allergic to the metal that is found in back of the buttons on pants and belt buckles. If this is the case, an easy way to correct it is to put a piece of tape over the inside of the button so it does not come into direct contact with your skin.

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14y ago
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10y ago
Stomach rashHonestly, a lot of things could explain a rash. It would be helpful to know more about it, but here are some possibilities:

1) Allergic reaction - usually a generalized rash, but sometimes localized, especially around the trunk. Have you eaten anything new, or been exposed to something new in your environment, like fumes or chemichal dust? Are you on any new medications?

2) Virus - Many viruses can cause rashes or fevers that produce rashes. Do you feel ill? Have you had any other symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, fever, chills?

3) Bugs - do you have fleas or Spiders in your home? Does someone you have recently visited have them?

4) Pets - puppies and kitties are cute, but they sometimes have dander that can cause an allergic rash. Or they can have bugs (see above.)

5) Shingles - Shingles have become more common in recent years, or it at least seems that way. Shingles are caused by the reactivation of the chicken pox virus and attack a particular nerve branch in your spine. They always affect only one side of the body (left or right) and never cross the midline. This is because they come out on the area of skin which is supplied by one particular nerve.

The rash may affect any part of the body, including head and limbs. It may thus appear as a band around one side of the chest or abdomen, or down an arm or leg. It is usually a very painful rash that will blister and burst, and typically people can't bear clothes touching the affected area. The blisters usually burst and crust over within a week and sometimes leave pale scars.

If the mystery rash persists, or gets worse, please see your doctor.

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17y ago

If you wear a belt or trousers with a metal fastener you may be allergic to the buckle or fastener. In turn, this could be a nickel allergy.

The best thing to do is to visit your dermatologist for advice.

See the links below for more information.

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17y ago

If it is blister type it could be one of a variety of things such as dermititis, an allergic reaction or even herpes. You should really have it looked at to determine the exact nature.

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ring worm

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