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Q: What could be some short and long term effects of your brain in tip-top shape?
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No. They *were* good, maybe 2,500 years ago. Today's Greek armed forces aren't in tiptop shape.

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Does the human brain have the same shape as that of the cattle?

Basically the same design and structures but in detail the shape of the whole brain and it components are different.

Does your diabetes medication prevent you from getting pregnant?

No it does not. But if you plan pregnancy as a diabetic speak to your doctor first to make sure your health is in tiptop shape and you are informed of certain things you need to know since it is more to keep an eye on as a diabetic.

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Why is your brain that shape?

The brain is a funny shape that is unexplainable to describe. Its kind of like a squiggy circle with bumps. Erm, if anyone has a better answer, be sure to edit.

What is the shape of brain?

The human brain is about 6 inches long, dark pink when healthy, and has the shape of a lopsided oval. It is covered in bumps.

What is known as the lesser brain?

The cerebellum, also referred to as the smaller brain because it resembles the shape

What organ helps the body move?

The Brain.

Why is marijuana bad for your brain?

Marijuana can impair memory, concentration, and cognitive functions because it affects the brain's regions responsible for these functions. Prolonged use of marijuana can also lead to addiction and have harmful effects on brain development in adolescents.

What effects a shape of a molecule?

The configuration of various elements

What effects the shape of molecule?

The configuration of various elements