

Best Answer

1. Benign tumour

2. Malignant tumour (cancer)

3. Due to another reason

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Q: What could an enlarged uterus mean?
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What does a uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

What does a hard uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

What causes enlarged ureters?

it could be a uterine fibroid tumor either it grows within thr uterus capitivy or on the outside wall of your uterus. i would see your ob/gny for dianogsis

Can the uterus of a woman be enlarged through medicines?

no the uterius cant but it can as you get older.

What doe sit mean to have an enlarged thyroid?

An enlarged thyroid could mean a number of things. The actual term means that the thyroid gland, which controls most hormones in your body, has been enlarged. This could mean the possibility of thyroid disease, or possibly even thyroid cancer.

Definition of heterogeneous echotexture?

what does this possibly mean. The uterus is borderline enlarged and shows heterogeneous echotexture, which is nonspecific. A uterine fibroid in the anterior body is possible

What is a enlarged myomatous uterus free fluid?

Myomatous uterus refers to a myoma within the uterus. A myoma is a usually benign mass is growing in the uterus. The free fluid can become trapped within the uterus, depending on where the myoma is growing.

What if your period is nearly 3 weeks late and your uterus feels enlarged could you be pregnant?

Yes. Your uterus enlarges in the early stages of pregnancy in preparation for accommodating a fetus. The stretching will feel like cramping, so it can be mistaken for menstrual pain.

What does it mean positive preganancy but nothing in the uterus?

Could be an ectopic pregnancy

Which internal body parts does adenomyosis affect?

Adenomyosis affects only the uterus. It is a medical condition where endometrial tissue grows beyond uterine lining and onto uterus walls, causing an enlarged uterus and severe pain.

What normal variation may affect the location of the apical pulse?

Pregnancy. The enlarged uterus will shift the apex of the heart.

Can the ovaries be palpated in the dog or cat?

the ovaries cannot be palpated. The uterus can only be palpated when enlarged due to pregnancy or pyometra :) you out.